Sunday, February 3, 2019

Week 3 Part 1: Communication between Business and Customer

Week 3 Part 1: Communication between Business and Customer

I feel like I may be the only one, but I've not ever had trouble communicating with a business.  I had always done it by phone and asked to speak to the manager.  They were always either ready to listen, or they called me back promptly.

Now social media makes contact with businesses MUCH easier.  I've had problems solved this way, but I always thought that they were missing that interpersonal relationship.  Perhaps I'm wrong.

I have actually had some great interactions with businesses through social media.  I've purchased items, I've contacted them to tell them that I've received the item and that I loved it; and I have had to contact them and tell them that the items have not arrived, or when they arrived, they were damaged. Social media has made these contacts easier because I'm not stuck trying to call them during business hours.  All of my interactions have been resolved without any issues.

I'm not one to leave comments or reviews on websites.  Occasionally I will receive a comment survey that I will fill out, but I realize that these operate on an all-or-nothing result.  Many people, for whatever reason, don't feel that anyone is worthy of a 5 out of 5 rating.  I do.  Unless there is a serious issue, this is how I rate the company.

I am old-school, and I believe that the customer is always right.  If I were to receive a negative comment I would contact the person right away, and do my best to rectify the situation so that the customer is happy.  I do know, however, that sometimes there is no pleasing some people, and the internet has made it very easy for people to be negative and anonymous.  That's unfortunate.  If it were my business, I would do everything in my power to make sure that the customer is satisfied.


  1. Hi Lynne,
    I agree with you regarding the internet making it very easy for perpetually unhappy people to air their grievances anonymously. I think the idea that the customer is always right might exacerbate this.

  2. I do wish that sometimes companies would put equal effort into investigating complaints that were made privately, as opposed to social media. It seems nowadays if you post publicly on social media, you will get a personalized higher-tiered customer relations executive catering to your needs to save face, whereas if you complained privately the process wouldn't be as swift or smooth.
